Rewards Survey Sites: Zoom Panel & Swag Bucks

There have been a number of site lately that have been offering rewards programs for taking surveys, searching the internet, and checking emails. To be honest, I have been seriiously been trying to shave down my time online with excess stuff. It seems like between working on my dissertation, checking email, blogging here, and trying to stay up with the times, I can spend so much time online! I haven't tried these programs because I just haven't found the time, butI have heard good things about both of these programs.

With Zoom Panel, you take surveys and earn points. You cash in the points for gifts like lots of electronics & other items. With the SwagBucks program, you get earn money through searching the internet just like you normally would. You accumulate points for gift cards and a selection of other items. I'd like to hear about your experiences with these programs since I've not yet tried them myself. Is it worth the time? Can extra money be earned? Here are the links to the two programs below if you'd like to give them a try. Let me know what you think!
